Domestic Inquiries: Best practices

1. What is a domestic inquiry? 1.1 A domestic inquiry is an internal disciplinary proceeding conducted by an employer to make a finding as to whether a given employee has committed an act (or acts, as the case may also be) of misconduct in breach of his terms of employment. Misconduct is not defined under…

Can Employer not Pay Employees for Overtime?

Due to the recent amendment of the Employment Act 1955 (“the Act”), there is an increasing concern among the employers regarding the payment of overtime. The employers are piled with the pressure to pay employees earning RM 4,000 or less with overtime allowance as this would undoubtedly raise the operational costs involved in business. Many…

Updates on Industrial Relations Act 1967

The Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2020 have made significant amendments to the Industrial Relations Act 1967, one of which is the deletion of section 33A of the Act and the introduction of section 33C to the Industrial Relations Act 1967. Previously under section 33A of the Industrial Relations Act 1967, any challenge towards the Industrial…

Pemecatan Terancang

Pemecatan Terancang

DEFINISI Secara amnya, pemecatan terancang (Constructive Dismissal) bermaksud perbuataan seseorang pekerja dalam menamatkan pekerjaannya disebabkan oleh pelanggaran oleh majikan pada perjanjian pekerjaan. Pelanggaran tersebut harus membentuk satu pelanggaran yang kritikal sehingga ianya mampu mengubah syarat-syarat atau dasar penting dalam perjanjian pekerjaan tersebut. Pelanggaran tersebut juga telah mewujudkan satu situasi di mana pekerja tidak lagi mempunyai…

COVID-19 Impact on Employers

COVID-19 Impact on Employers

COVID-19 has become a global pandemic. The outbreak of COVID-19 deadly virus is an unfortunate crisis and the situation we are now facing is unprecedented in history. On 16 March 2020, Prime Minister had announced a Movement Control Order (“MCO”) throughout the country effective March 18 to 31. With the escalating COVID-19 outbreak, the MCO…

Contract Performance in COVID-19: Force Majeure and Frustration

Contract Performance in COVID-19: Force Majeure and Frustration

View CN Version The 28 days lockdown period is only temporary. Serious commercial consequences will follow after this period. Businesses will be facing uphill challenges in fulfilling their contractual duties in a normal way due to the increasing restrictions and limitations imposed by governments around the world. Examples of questions you may have: – 1….



View EN Version 在covid-19心冠肺炎疫情的肆虐下,为了抗疫,我国在三月十八日进入了为期二十八天的行动管制期。在这期间除了特定“重要”领域或行业可以继续运营(受限于对该领域或行业的限制), 所有政府与私人机构必须关闭休业。 抗疫当前,管制令无疑是目前防疫的最佳措施,但这也让很多中小企业正面临严峻的财务危机。在行动管制期间许多中小企业因无法营业而导致无法履行合约的条款或义务,可能因此而面临因违约而被起诉的危机。 那公司可不可以以行动管制令强制停止营业为由,单方面终止或延长合约时间?这就视乎双方可有书面合约(written contract)且合约内容。 1. 书面合约是否有不可抗力 (force majeure) 条款 不可抗力是指一些不能预见,不能避免,不可控制的意外事故。不可抗力条款是一种免责(disclaimer)条款。这条款是规定合约后若须履行职责的一方(当事人),因为不可抗力而不能履行或不能如期履行合约的全部或部分义务,可免除其全部或部分义务或允许延长履行合约时间。 2. 不可抗力条款是否足以概括因covid-19而发生的行动管制令 不可抗力的事故主要包括两种情况,一种是由于自然力量引起的,如水灾、风灾、旱灾、地震等;另一种是社会原因引起的,如战争、封锁、政府禁令等。当事人可不可以利用不可抗力条款,就必须视乎合约内的不可抗力条款是否有概括因疾病而不可控制的情况如行动管制令或封城。 3. 若其条款不足以涵盖covid-19的管制令 若不可抗力条款没有概括因疾病而导致不可控制的事故,如管制令先别慌张,因为合约必须是整体性的。所以法庭在判断此不可抗力条款是否足够概括因covid-19而发生的行动管制令时,也会衡量其他合约的条款和合约的业务性质与业务风险等。 4. 若无不可抗力条款或没有书面合约 那如果合约内没有不可抗力条款或双方并没有书面合约,是否就意味着当事人就完蛋了,必须赔钱了。这也并不一定。法律还是有人性的。 当事人可以提出合约因为管制令的关系无法履行而被迫终止。如同第3段所述,法庭会判断业务性质,因管制令而被迫强制停工或管制令后复工所导致的问题等,合约是否真的已无法进行而被迫终止。 由于因疫情的肆虐而导致行动管制令在我国并没有先例,所以目前并没有案例及确切的情况。以上所述可供指引,若需要深入的法律咨询请填写一下表格,电邮:Covid19@LowPartners.com或拨电至017-490 5293与我们联系。 Covid-19 Legal Help 本文是由我们律师楼的合伙人撰写,卓莉琴律师 Toh Lee Khim  Partner, Low & Partners