Opinion for Cosec

Opinion for Cosec

Issues How can a company secretary (cosec) be held negligent towards its client (i.e. a company), and then subsequently be liable for damages suffered by its client? Does a cosec holds a duty of care towards its client to inform the receipt of legal documents from the authority in the registered address? (in our present…

Proses Pemulihan Hutang

Proses Pemulihan Hutang

Penghutang saya enggan membayar balik hutang yang terhutang kepada saya, apakah yang boleh saya lakukan? Anda boleh memulakan tindakan undang-undang terhadap penghutang untuk mendapatkan kembali hutang anda dengan mengeluarkan surat tuntutan dan/ atau menuntut hak terhadap penghutang anda. Apakah jenis maklumat / dokumentasi yang harus saya berikan untuk proses pemulihan hutang? Semua dokumen dan rekod…

Procedure on Joint Petition

Procedure on Joint Petition

Joint Petition: ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT UNCONTESTED DIVORCE In the past, married couples may have arguments that the lack of time had corroded their relationship. In light of this Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the new norm now encourages everyone to stay at home, or at initial, makes it compulsory to stay at…

Pemecatan Terancang

Pemecatan Terancang

DEFINISI Secara amnya, pemecatan terancang (Constructive Dismissal) bermaksud perbuataan seseorang pekerja dalam menamatkan pekerjaannya disebabkan oleh pelanggaran oleh majikan pada perjanjian pekerjaan. Pelanggaran tersebut harus membentuk satu pelanggaran yang kritikal sehingga ianya mampu mengubah syarat-syarat atau dasar penting dalam perjanjian pekerjaan tersebut. Pelanggaran tersebut juga telah mewujudkan satu situasi di mana pekerja tidak lagi mempunyai…

The Do’s and Dont’s of Video Conferencing

The Do’s and Dont’s of Video Conferencing

Fast forward to this March, the outbreak of coronavirus not only in Malaysia but also affecting worldwide – “The Pandemic” has suddenly transformed and considered video conferencing as an ultimate solution and tools enabling global operation by connecting with remote works, employees, and clients and at the same time, to prevent direct contact with the…