Soalan Lazim: Faraid

Harta apa yang boleh difaraidkan? J: Harta yang didaftarkan di bawah nama Si Mati seperti: a) Harta Tak Alih: tanah dan rumah. b) Harta Alih: wang simpanan bank, saham, KWSP, Tabung Haji, iInsurans, barang kemas dan lain-lain. Selepas saya meninggal dunia, siapa yang boleh memohon Perintah Faraid ke atas harta pusaka saya? J: Mana-mana ahli…

Solan Lazim: Hibah

Apakah Hibah? J: Hibah adalah pemberian harta secara kasih sayang kepada sesiapa yang dikehendaki ketika Penghibah masih hidup dan tanpa balasan. Adakah saya perlu mendapatkan persetujuan ahli waris yang lain sebelum saya menghibahkan harta saya? J: Tidak perlu kerana ia adalah hak Penghibah sepenuhnya untuk menentukan kadar hibah dan kepada siapa harta tersebut dihibahkan. Siapa…

Soalan Lazim: Wasiat

 Apakah wasiat? J: Wasiat adalah pemberian oleh pewasiat kepada penerima wasiat sama ada dalam bentuk benda, hutang atau manfaat untuk dimilik dan pemberian tersebut dilaksanakan selepas pewasiat meninggal dunia. Apakah perbezaan wasiat dan hibah? J: Wasiat dilaksanakan selepas pewasiat meninggal duni, hibah dilaksanakan semasa pemberi hibah masih hidup. Berapakah had harta saya yang boleh diwasiatkan?…

Flow To Discharge Bankruptcy In Malaysia

Being bound by a ‘bankrupt’ status is oftentimes burdensome because bankrupts would be restricted from carrying out what a normal person could do such as travelling overseas (unless with a written permission from the Director General of Insolvency [‘DGI’] or an Order from the Court), taking on loan with the financial institution and working in…

Updates on Real Property Gain Tax (RPGT) 2022

One of the highlights of the Budget 2022, proposed by Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz, our Minister of Finance, is that the disposal of real property by individual citizens and permanent residents (Part I as below) starting from the Sixth (6) years and above will be removed. Section 30 of the Finance Bill 2021…

Foreigner Purchase of Property

Purchase of Properties in Malaysia by Foreigners With the blooming of the real property market in Malaysia, it is an ideal time for foreign investors to invest in the country. It is often said that Malaysia is still amongst the countries in Asia which has the most affordable property prices. Apart from that, with the…

Conventional v Islamic Loan

The Differences Between a Conventional and Islamic Housing Loan and the Consequences of Default Regardless of whether you are a Malaysian or a foreigner, you are spoiled with choices of housing loans offered by banks in Malaysia, tailored depending on your needs. Most banks in Malaysia offer both Conventional and Islamic Housing Loan. How then…

The Basic Procedure on How a Strata Management Bodies May Recover Outstanding Maintenance Charges

The Strata Legislations provides for the maintenance and management of strata schemes and comprehensive procedures, scope of power and duties to different types of management bodies. Thus, it is essential for these different Strata Management Bodies to maintain and manage the subdivided buildings and their common properties in accordance with the statutory legislation [collectively “Strata…